
cRua dia 1From my window on the third floor at number 13, Rua da Bombarda, we see a city being renovated. At this moment, we can count 38 cranes, a number which is constantly rising. We are above Largo do Intendente, behind the greatly missed Casa do Minho… and in the street that continues from Largo das Olarias. A street that is an important axis in this area in the heart of downtown Lisbon. Each day our eyes are filled with curiosity… How can we keep inhabiting this area? Where are the sex-workers with whom we had worked for so many years in the body, in life? In the year 2009 we had danced very close to them in the streets. Where are the earlier owners of the shops and bars in the neighborhood? It seems evident that this change needs a bodily gesture… from the body’s memory and becoming dance in an artistic encounter. It is 2018, we keep accompanying and carefully listening to these transformations taking place in the city and in the neigborhood and with some women who we still see and listen to on this long journey. As the city is constantly changing, each time there is a major rush in the body another solo dance is born. Five years have gone by and we are yet again facing a new Lisbon full of contradictions, tourists, new configurations, other light, other dreams and some persisting old habits. The body resisting in the urban space demands dance! What is this dance being born now? What is this naked truth?